[wpcode id="25538" icon="1"] Lantzville - Private Host Indoor Pool
[wpcode id="25538" icon="4"] 8150 Southwind Drive Lantzville , BC V9R 6P9, Canada
[wpcode id="25538" icon="2"] L-25, W-16, D-8m
[wpcode id="25538" icon="3"]
Water System: Chlorine
Features: Side enter/esit stepping ladder, Deep-end depth higher than 5ft, Large Shallow Area, and Shaded Area
How Private:
Amenities: Heated Pool and Shower
Advance Booking:
Earliest Reservation: 0800
Latest Reservation: 2000
How will Guests Access Pool:
1. Sliding door pool entrance!
2. Walk up the front path.
3. First sliding door to access the pool.
Notice: 48 hours
Pool Available: January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November, and December
Contact: Tara Earl
Phone: 2506191985
Email: taraearl27@gmail.com